Back in the old days, I would always get a good chuckle at those going about amassing signatures for some issue that there was no hope that a petition would solve. Such as signatures to end hunger or change a policy in some other country. You actually gain some insight into the electorate by seeing what they will actually sign. The petition has now evolved online and is even endorsed by our federal government. Never has it been so easy to gather people to an absolutely meaningless cause.
Now when I see someone posting a silly online petition, it reminds me to go back to the page of their petition to look at other petitions just to have a good laugh.
There is a sad side to all of this fun. In Florida, we have a representative democracy where enough signatures can create law. This means that we could veto budgeting issues. We could require responsibility and accountability in government. We could make regulation on certain industries less protectionist, etc etc. But instead, we want to save the kittens.
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